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Summer-summer time!
June /July 2024
As we step into the lightness and sunshine of the summer, let us also step into reflection on the past six months. The joy of going into the sixth month is it allows us to see how far we have come, how we have grown, and how we impacted others in our lives. Most often we focus on what we did not accomplish. The lotus does not stay in the muck and the mud, it seeks the light above. The dandelion does not wither and die once picked, it flowers again. If we begin to look at the obstacles in our lives as stepping stones to grow and to flourish it can make a huge difference. Our mindset has such a huge impact on our health. I urge you to focus on all that brings you joy and accomplishments you have made. Perhaps you struggle with this. Start with something small. Something you have no control over - like the beauty of a sunrise or sunset. Then begin to focus on all that you have and you have that because YOU made it happen. Let summer time be a time of flourishing and a reminder that you, too, can withstand the mud and muck and even if picked, you are strong enough to bloom again.
Love & Light
April Showers bring May Flowers
May 2024
As the flowers bloom and the days seem to get longer with more light, now is a perfect time to find balance in your life. With often are in a hurry to do all the things once the weather breaks, and often times we over do it. And when we do not find the balance, we sometimes cannot get out of our own way. Words I also live by myself - finding that balance can be hard. If you are a people pleaser and want to do all the things and see quick results, often God has a different plan and throws other obstacles in our way simply to slow us down.
As we embrace the light, let us find the balance. Get outside when we can not just to do the yard work or paint the fence, but to be in nature to enjoy what it has to offer. Saunter around the yard, on a trail, with the family. Enjoy the tiny moments and plan for the unexpected to happen. The storm will come and dampen our plans, yet when we find the balance between the go-go-go and the slow-slow-slow - we can find a nice little peace of mind.
Spring will be here soon
February/March 2024
As we shift gears and look forward to Spring leaving the cold, dark winter months behind us, we find ourselves coming. out of own hibernation, so to speak. Creating a simple Ayurveda (yoga's sister science) routine can help you ease into spring with a little pep in your step. Establishing a routine will help you with the transition. A few practices you can add to your daily routines are: eating wholesome seasonal foods, asanas to rid the body of kapha (one of the Ayurveda doshas) and pranayama (breath work). If you imagine your winter body like a sponge (this includes the physical body along with your mind and spirit), it simply needs to be wrung out. Attending a yoga class or starting your day with some alternate nostril breathing (this is helpful to all doshas). Additonally if you combine breath with movement, you will also enable your doshas to become more balanced. For instance during a set of sun salutations, incorporate bumble bee breath (begin with humming - you will feel the sensation in the nasal cavities and it can help loosen phlegm). There are other practices that you can incorporate and that are helpful to the transition into spring.
Check this out to learn more about Ayurveda daily practices.
2024 is Your Year!
January 2024
Yes! You read that correctly - 2024 is your year.
The power of our words have such an impact on our well-being. Speak what you want out loud, in a journal, to yourself in a mirror every morning - wherever you want - but do it! You will be amazed how much of an impact your words have over you.
In yoga, ahimsa is referred to as not causing injury to others. Placing the vocal practice of ahimsa into our daily practice can be quite fruitful for our well-being. There is a place in our brain, which I refer to as one's RAS (reticular activating system) that acts as an attention center of your brain. One's RAS does not know the difference between the reality and what you visualize/think.
Give it a try - want a more positive and productive day? Start your day by saying a mantra to help with setting the tone for the day.
I share with my students that if they say they are bad at something - guess what? they will be. So why not flip the script in the negative self talk and tell yourself you are good at something and see where that takes you!
Henry Ford knew what he was saying, when he said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”
As always - much peace and love!